Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome Fall with Color- Free Coloring Book Pages!

Lets welcome fall with lots of color!

Hi everyone! 
I am sorry I have been MIA lately, I have been working for a licensing with a publisher (crossing my fingers it works) and giving a few workshops at the Joann's in Grants Pass.
I am sharing with you all my fall coloring book pages inspired from my sketchbook pages :)
as you all know by now coloring for adults has been proven to reduce stress, blood pressure, anxiety and it's a form of meditation - and it's a lot of fun too!


I am also including the info to my online coloring class and e-book in case you are interested in expanding your coloring techniques and making those pages POP! I teach you numerous techniques, tips, shortcuts, and inspiration to help you create amazing coloring book pages as you relax, enjoy, and have fun with coloring!  based on 3 large lessons filled with lots of inspiration, and pictures
If you are a "coloring pro's" a lot of this information you might consider to be basic so abstain from buying it if that's the case :)

The  COLORING E-CLASS- includes step by step videos and its hosted in a private blog with unlimited access so you can access it at any time and work at your own pace with no pressure of deadlines * YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS once you register * Basic computer skills are needed- access blog, log in, etc.

The COLORING E-BOOK- its the same information as the class but not videos, step by step are written down with lots of pictures

They are both 50% off until Sunday August 28th 11:59pm PT

I Hope you enjoy your coloring pages and please share in Instagram #artsysandpipercoloringpages
I can't wait to see what you create!

Any questions? let me know if the comments below or contact me at

CLICK HERE to Subscribe to my mailing list for more FREE coloring pages every month!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Painting with Coffee

Coffee is definitely one of my favorite ways to paint. I think it ads a beautiful earthy and almost old look to the paintings.

To paint with coffee you need to make sure its very strong so the color is a nice deep brown, you can always water it down since it acts a lot like watercolor.

If you follow me on Instagram @theartsysandpiper or the Rogue Roasters account you probably saw how one afternoon I got inspired to paint in their to go coffee mug, the paper is white and perfect for painting, it was so inviting I couldn't resist! but I was too lazy to go to the garage and find my paints so I decided to use what was left of my coffee to paint and it looks soooo cool I had to use it in my sketchbook too!

Embrace the crazy art inspirations when they hit :)

Here is a peek at the process

If you would like a print of this coffee sketch please visit my Etsy Shop 
its downloadable, if you would like me to print it and ship it please contact me
 and for ordering a customized art with coffee feel free to contact me at


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ripped Paper Butterfly!

Hi everyone, Sorry for taking so long to write on my blog I was taking some time out to organize myself and learn to manage time better with my rambunctious little toddler (still working on it), but I am back and with a really cool project to do with your little ones!

You can turn this project into a 2 day thing, I did because little M's attention spam is still very short, but if you have older kids this can take one afternoon- perfect for those rainy days, distracting while cooking, and just as an arts and craft time together.

Grab any colored paper, I used left over construction paper from another project, and we started ripping it into little pieces. Little M is in a stage of destruction and ripping so I let her get it all out with the paper, soon that turned into a messy color paper rain by picking it in bunches and throwing it up (a fun plus).

The next day I traced a butterfly  design on a white paper (Keep designs simple- apple, pear, butterfly, flower, ball...) and with washable glue  VERY important that it is washable because it ended up EVERYWHERE even in our hair lol, I started making dots and she would place the paper on top- later turned into i spread it everywhere and she dropped bunches  of papers on it and then into she would "do" dots and I put paper on it... so it can work in many ways ;)

Happy distracted toddler and bright colorful art for the kitchen wall or to give to Grandma!

I hope you guys enjoy this activity too and please follow us on instagram for more ideas @theartsysandpiper & tag us on Instragram #theartsysandpiperkidsfun

*I get a small percentage of the proceeds when you buy through my affiliate links on Amazon, Thank you for supporting creativity and a stay at home mommy!*

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Bunny Cards & Free Coloring Book Page

Hello Peeps!

As promised in my Instagram @theartsysandpiper the story behind our arts and craft for Easter and the stencil to use! If you would like to see the video of the step by step click HERE

Since it was rainy and pretty much very Oregon outside I decided to break out the Crayola My First Finger Paints and some paper. She was not very happy with the feeling of the paint in her hands so after a few shy tries I looked for a brush she could use and that was exactly what she needed to start really enjoying the painting process. Because she was having so much fun I let her keep painting on lots of paper.

Once the paint dried I came up with a stencil for a bunny and cut them all while she napped. I love the mix of colors and different looks each bunny has! later we glues bunny butts, I grabbed a cotton ball and teared it into 3 smaller balls, placed a dot of glue and she glued the ball. I thought maybe she would be too little to get the concept and do this, but once more she surprised me and was able to follow directions and had lots of fun at it.

Because I let her go to town with the paint we ended up with (what in my very exaggerated opinion) looked like a billion bunnies, we gave some away to friends and family as Easter Cards- Sooo stinking cute and pretty much FREE Easter cards- and as book marks, and made a garland to decorate our living room, and created a gratitude bunny bouquet by writing behind a couple of them things we are thankful for this Easter Season and year and stuck on wood kabaab sticks and placed in a flower vase  (I told you, there were way too many bunnies lol) 

To Download the Template just click on it with your right button on the mouse and save to your computer and same with the FREE coloring book page and don't forget to tag your Bunny Pages or Bunny Craft with #artsybunnybutts #theartsysandpipercolorpage 

                                                               Free Coloring Book Page:
                       (I left some spaces so you can either color it or add more doodles to it and color)

Have Fun!!! and I can't wait to see your beautiful creations

If you are interested in more Coloring book fun find my downloadable Spring inspired Coloring book page HERE

*this post contains affiliate links :) Thank you for your support