Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Painting with Coffee

Coffee is definitely one of my favorite ways to paint. I think it ads a beautiful earthy and almost old look to the paintings.

To paint with coffee you need to make sure its very strong so the color is a nice deep brown, you can always water it down since it acts a lot like watercolor.

If you follow me on Instagram @theartsysandpiper or the Rogue Roasters account you probably saw how one afternoon I got inspired to paint in their to go coffee mug, the paper is white and perfect for painting, it was so inviting I couldn't resist! but I was too lazy to go to the garage and find my paints so I decided to use what was left of my coffee to paint and it looks soooo cool I had to use it in my sketchbook too!

Embrace the crazy art inspirations when they hit :)

Here is a peek at the process

If you would like a print of this coffee sketch please visit my Etsy Shop 
its downloadable, if you would like me to print it and ship it please contact me
 and for ordering a customized art with coffee feel free to contact me at theartsysandpiper@gmail.com


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ripped Paper Butterfly!

Hi everyone, Sorry for taking so long to write on my blog I was taking some time out to organize myself and learn to manage time better with my rambunctious little toddler (still working on it), but I am back and with a really cool project to do with your little ones!

You can turn this project into a 2 day thing, I did because little M's attention spam is still very short, but if you have older kids this can take one afternoon- perfect for those rainy days, distracting while cooking, and just as an arts and craft time together.

Grab any colored paper, I used left over construction paper from another project, and we started ripping it into little pieces. Little M is in a stage of destruction and ripping so I let her get it all out with the paper, soon that turned into a messy color paper rain by picking it in bunches and throwing it up (a fun plus).

The next day I traced a butterfly  design on a white paper (Keep designs simple- apple, pear, butterfly, flower, ball...) and with washable glue  VERY important that it is washable because it ended up EVERYWHERE even in our hair lol, I started making dots and she would place the paper on top- later turned into i spread it everywhere and she dropped bunches  of papers on it and then into she would "do" dots and I put paper on it... so it can work in many ways ;)

Happy distracted toddler and bright colorful art for the kitchen wall or to give to Grandma!

I hope you guys enjoy this activity too and please follow us on instagram for more ideas @theartsysandpiper & tag us on Instragram #theartsysandpiperkidsfun

*I get a small percentage of the proceeds when you buy through my affiliate links on Amazon, Thank you for supporting creativity and a stay at home mommy!*