Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Favorite Materials for my Life Journal + Free coloring page/background

I finally was able to sit down and write a little post of my favorite materials for the Life Journal since its a question I keep getting asked on Instagram.
*I am not getting any money/sponsorship from the brands I am writing about*

If you follow me on instgram @theartsysandpiper you might have noticed that my life journal is a smogishboard of things ... its a planner, journal, photobook, smashbook & art journal... I still dont know how to call it lol because it is and isn't any of those things (I would love it if someone gave me ideas for names)- I will be writing a mini e-book of the process but for now I am giving you guys a little overview of the materials

At the moment I am crushing on watercolors!!! they are quick to work with because they dry fast and that is a must when you are a mama with limited time on your hands :)

It wasn't until 2014 that I really started putting pictures into my life journal (im debating if to go back previous years and print those pics out) it is really nice to not only read what happened that day, have memories glued in the page but also pictures. I guess it is slowly turning into a artsy photo album. I use Photo Grid on my phone to do a collage- I finally found that 8 pics is big enough and small enough for the pages size 4x6 and send to print at wallgreens!

Tape is a must! I have found that with glue the pics tend to come loose after a while.

Stickers, random things, cutouts of magazines, greeting cards... anything and everything I want to keep a memory of- instead of filling a memory box with papers, notes, etc I place them on my book (that is why its a smash book ish inspired journal) I used more stickers on the past years and now I have morphed into painting, stamping, and doodling more since well its cheaper lol I still get stickers when I can. 

Pen, pencil, markers since I write what we did every day, memories, things that happened and sometimes I hide longer journal entries on pieces of paper and fold them and glue them ... since people love going through my life journals because they are like a little creative crazy messy work of art/ photo book I started hiding the entries or keeping a separate journal just for writing

I use acrylics sometimes, not often, because they tend to stick to each other and takes a longer time to dry...

hope that helps!!!

Lucy :)

enjoy this free coloring page to use as a background for your art journals/life journals :) (right click on the pic and click save image as) and tag your finished page in Instagram as #artsysandpiperpage

Friday, July 24, 2015

Baby/Kids Activity: Wood Boats- Actividad bebes/ninos: Barquitos de Madera

Hello peeps!
This past weekend we decided to head over to the coast and i found some really cool drift wood.
During the week a teething little monkey was driving me a tad insane so I gave her some markers and I guess shes just like mama and loved painting with them... like every mama out there i felt horrible just throwing her work of art away so I decided to turn it into a little decoration boat for our living room!
And I will be doing my boat to add to the decoration and maybe daddy too :) its a cute family project/ baby project and perfect free decoration for summer

Kabaab stick (or any stick)
Hot glue gun
Cut the painted paper in triangles (i did double side) and glue to a kabaab stick.
Open with a knife a whole on the wood and glue the stick to it!
* you can use marker, watercolor, creyons, etc



Hola todos!
Les cuento que este pasado fin de semana fuimos a la costa y recogi varios pedazos de madera.
Durante la semana mi monita estaba bien fastidiosa con los dientitos que le están saliendo por lo cual decidí distraerla con unos marcadores y fue santo remedio! Tal como su mami le encanta pintar. Como toda mama se me rompe el corazon botar su "obra de arte" y la converti en un barquito de madera para decorar la sala
Yo voy a pintar uno y quizas papa también se una :) es un proyecto dicertido par hacer en familia, no cuesta ya que son materiales que tenemos en casa normalmente y decora muy lindo de verano

Palito de pinchos (o cualquier palito)
Teipe/goma/ pega
Pistolita de pega caliente
Una vez que el bebé/ nino haya pintado en el papel con los marcadores recortar un triangulo (yo corté 2 triangulos para ponerlo de ambos lados) se pega al palito de pinchos. Luego abrimos un hueco con un cuchillo a la madera y con la pistolita pegamos la vela al barquito
* puden usas marcadores, creyones, acuarela, tempera, et

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Custom Order Gifts!

Hello peeps!

As you all probably know we are well into wedding season and with that I was contacted to offer mini custom paintings as bridesmaids gifts. I thought it was a great idea and that is why I am sharing it with all of you now :) I will be running a special on mini custom botanical just for this purpose... I can paint your girl's fav flower, your wedding flowers or any flowers you want. Its a really cute and personal gift

If you are not getting married but have a party these can also be a cute and thoughtful party favor or bday gift

Also if you are interested we can discuss licensing of the painting/s for the invitations just shoot me an email at

For 20% off your order BRIDES15
Etsy shop:

follow me on instagram @theartsysandpiper

Friday, July 17, 2015


Hi everyone!
my name is Lucy Voehl and I finally decided to open a the blog (with the name of my future art studio... someday) where I can showcase my art, life journal, and crazy life.
Most of my art theme is ocean related because I love and adore the beach, sadly I live a bit far from the coast now and I feel like painting it brings me a little closer to it. I was blessed to live a block from the beach for 8 years and hopefully one day will move to a house so close to the ocean I can walk to it and smell the salty fresh air :)

Feel free to follow me in Instagram under @theartsysandpiper to catch a glimpse of my every day life and art projects.

Quick note from the studio:

* Art work is for sale and feel free to ask for custom orders ;)  haven't opened a store yet because I paint less than I used to, since I am juggling mommy-hood, but art (and cooking) keep me sane but I will at some point open a store ... stay tuned. So far I have been selling off my Instagram through Paypal and email ( for custom orders
* This blog is going to be mostly art eye candy with sneak peeks of my sketchbooks, art, and journal/smashbook with a couple of arts and craft ideas and inspirations
* Currently working on a life journal/ smashbook ebook- for those of you who know me I have kept one pretty much all of my life and people keep asking me how to start one, what to include, etc. So I decided to write a simple e-book explaining the process and give lots of ideas.
* Life Journal props- also working on scanning some of my art and creating new one for your art journals/ life journals/ smashbooks

Have a great day!!!