Friday, July 24, 2015

Baby/Kids Activity: Wood Boats- Actividad bebes/ninos: Barquitos de Madera

Hello peeps!
This past weekend we decided to head over to the coast and i found some really cool drift wood.
During the week a teething little monkey was driving me a tad insane so I gave her some markers and I guess shes just like mama and loved painting with them... like every mama out there i felt horrible just throwing her work of art away so I decided to turn it into a little decoration boat for our living room!
And I will be doing my boat to add to the decoration and maybe daddy too :) its a cute family project/ baby project and perfect free decoration for summer

Kabaab stick (or any stick)
Hot glue gun
Cut the painted paper in triangles (i did double side) and glue to a kabaab stick.
Open with a knife a whole on the wood and glue the stick to it!
* you can use marker, watercolor, creyons, etc



Hola todos!
Les cuento que este pasado fin de semana fuimos a la costa y recogi varios pedazos de madera.
Durante la semana mi monita estaba bien fastidiosa con los dientitos que le están saliendo por lo cual decidí distraerla con unos marcadores y fue santo remedio! Tal como su mami le encanta pintar. Como toda mama se me rompe el corazon botar su "obra de arte" y la converti en un barquito de madera para decorar la sala
Yo voy a pintar uno y quizas papa también se una :) es un proyecto dicertido par hacer en familia, no cuesta ya que son materiales que tenemos en casa normalmente y decora muy lindo de verano

Palito de pinchos (o cualquier palito)
Teipe/goma/ pega
Pistolita de pega caliente
Una vez que el bebé/ nino haya pintado en el papel con los marcadores recortar un triangulo (yo corté 2 triangulos para ponerlo de ambos lados) se pega al palito de pinchos. Luego abrimos un hueco con un cuchillo a la madera y con la pistolita pegamos la vela al barquito
* puden usas marcadores, creyones, acuarela, tempera, et

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Custom Order Gifts!

Hello peeps!

As you all probably know we are well into wedding season and with that I was contacted to offer mini custom paintings as bridesmaids gifts. I thought it was a great idea and that is why I am sharing it with all of you now :) I will be running a special on mini custom botanical just for this purpose... I can paint your girl's fav flower, your wedding flowers or any flowers you want. Its a really cute and personal gift

If you are not getting married but have a party these can also be a cute and thoughtful party favor or bday gift

Also if you are interested we can discuss licensing of the painting/s for the invitations just shoot me an email at

For 20% off your order BRIDES15
Etsy shop:

follow me on instagram @theartsysandpiper

Friday, July 17, 2015


Hi everyone!
my name is Lucy Voehl and I finally decided to open a the blog (with the name of my future art studio... someday) where I can showcase my art, life journal, and crazy life.
Most of my art theme is ocean related because I love and adore the beach, sadly I live a bit far from the coast now and I feel like painting it brings me a little closer to it. I was blessed to live a block from the beach for 8 years and hopefully one day will move to a house so close to the ocean I can walk to it and smell the salty fresh air :)

Feel free to follow me in Instagram under @theartsysandpiper to catch a glimpse of my every day life and art projects.

Quick note from the studio:

* Art work is for sale and feel free to ask for custom orders ;)  haven't opened a store yet because I paint less than I used to, since I am juggling mommy-hood, but art (and cooking) keep me sane but I will at some point open a store ... stay tuned. So far I have been selling off my Instagram through Paypal and email ( for custom orders
* This blog is going to be mostly art eye candy with sneak peeks of my sketchbooks, art, and journal/smashbook with a couple of arts and craft ideas and inspirations
* Currently working on a life journal/ smashbook ebook- for those of you who know me I have kept one pretty much all of my life and people keep asking me how to start one, what to include, etc. So I decided to write a simple e-book explaining the process and give lots of ideas.
* Life Journal props- also working on scanning some of my art and creating new one for your art journals/ life journals/ smashbooks

Have a great day!!!